The actuality of the Spanish selection centres , alas, in the whistles to Gerard Hammered. Further of what futbolísticamente can analyse of the era Lopetegui, the journalists follow centring in the deal that receives the Barcelona head office.

And this Thursday, Asier Illarramendi, ex of the Madrid and his mate in the selection, has gone out to defend him: "Him dais quite a lot of turns, happened does time and if they give him turns follows the subject, if pitan to one pitan to all and influences. It is clear that these things do not affect him, but are negative things. He wants to be here. It is very committed", has commented.

Some very conclusive statements of the Basque midfield player, that has wanted to resolve the controversial act followed saying that it would not answer at all more in relation to this subject.

Thebes and Asensio do not defend him so much

"I think that him pita more by the messages to the Madrid that by the political subject. From that celebration of Kevin Roldán, the madridismo has taken him a lot of rabieta, but think that these things it is necessary to surpass them. Besides it has seen that a year wins one and afterwards another", affirmed Thebes this Thursday. Although matizó: "What is clear is that it is a player that has showed very engaged with The Red".

"At the end the people is free to express what feels, is a subject that does not have to us distract and that sure that will remain in an anecdote. The team will be very joined and does not have to us distract. Have to centre us in the party in front of Macedonia. It is the only that matters", manifested Asensio, player of the Real Madrid.