After doing his debut with the selection in a so important tournament like the Euro, Eric García saves in his memory all what has lived in the tournament that carried out in distinct headquarters of Europe during the months of June and July. Like this it has ensured it after arriving to Tokyo for the dispute of the Olympic games.

The defender has manifested to have enjoyed of the tournament in all the senses: "it Has been an incredible experience in every aspect", and stood out especially the convivencia with the rest of players of 'The Red': "The can coexist with all my mates this time and the good relation that have had".

Nevertheless, it warned that in a principle the results were not the expected, but the team resurgió after the crash in front of Slovakia: "Although all was very well and the relation with the mates was very good, the results did not accompany us. Everything changed from the third party and saw what were, what saw in all the trainings from the beginning".

In spite of not living his best year in the City, ensures to have fulfilled with one of the greater put of his career: "I Have happened a different year, by all what happened with the club. Afterwards it has been thrilling, because I have had the occasion to play to title in a Eurocopa, what is the dream of all the footballers".


Eric García, focused in the Olympic games

In spite of not obtaining the title in the Euro, keeps very ilusionado with the tournament that will celebrate in Tokyo: "Those that are here are some privileged. Can win titles is something that does you be motivated, knowing that it goes to be very complicated. Ojalá Can do a spectacular group, already has seen that there is an incredible human quality and entrenos of quality, that will carry us until where have to arrive".

For this considers vital to keep the mentality to go party to party: "The key is to centre us in the party that comes now, the friendly against Japan and afterwards the first party against Egypt. Look further does not come to tale. Like this we will go growing all like team, will understand us better and will give his fruits".