The seleccionador of Spain, Vicente Of the Forest, has conceded an interview in which it has gone back to defend by enésima time to Gerard Hammered, leaving clear that "is not harmful neither is neither a problem for the selection". Wait that little by little leave to whistle him

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In an interview conceded to the newspaper "Marks", Vicente Of the Forest has gone back to defend to Gerard Hammered and has spoken on the current state of the Spanish selection, the classification for the Eurocopa of France 2016 and also on his future, since still desconoce if it will follow or no at the head of the combined national when it happen the European tournament in earths galas. Of the Forest ensures that the selection is prepared to face the Eurocopa with guarantees.

"The selection is with some good perspectives to seven months of the Euro after surpassing a phase of classification that has not been easy". In spite of everything, the fact to lose against Slovakia caused some criticisms to his work like seleccionador. "Although it do not show it, I am sensitive to the criticisms. They hurt me because some can not being just. I understand that the press is to think and that many times does not agree with what we think. I have not lost a lot of energies in treating to deny some things and yes in working in our future. I do not want to fall in that the other have the fault and yes centre me in what it give substance. In football, all the opinions are valid, can change of a day for another and keep on being valid".

Of the Forest has remarked the importance of the national selections. "The selections are necessary in all the sports and for all. For example, to the press interests him by sales a final phase of Eurocopa or World-wide. To arrive to them it is necessary to compete before. They say that they did not have to exist the selections, that are a shit? I respect it, but have his rennet and importance in all the sports. Already we know that they pay the clubs, but the selections has a space and his calendar. We want to take advantage of it and take care also to the clubs. To me me sonroja listen or read the of the 'virus FIFA'. In my life will say it". And on the situation that is crossing Gerard Hammered, does not think that the player can hartarse until the point to leave the selection.

"It is a boy with good training and does not have to hartarse, has to understand it. He already explained ". It has left clear that Hammered is not a problem. "If it was a problem or thought that was harmful would not come. And it would not be necessary to give explanations, no would call him that's that".

For the moment, Of the Forest has decided not speaking too much of the subject with him. "Very little. I associate it a bit to what happened with Boxes when him pitaban his followers. It does not be necessary to give him more importance. What more touch that if independence or no independence, worse". Desconoce, besides, the exact reasons by which him pitan. "I do not know it. He already explained it. As I do not go to convince to anybody prefer to speak the less possible. He feels very happy in the selection since it came of chavalín. The facts are more conclusive".