Bad news, very bad news for the Argentinian of Leo Messi and Javier Mascherano of face to the World-wide of Russia 2018. The situation of the albiceleste is extremely delicate after the FIFA sanctioned to Bolivia with his two last stray parties after ranging to a player nationalised that it had not fulfilled with the requirements.

The Bolivians had empatado to zero with Chile and livestock two to zero in front of Paraguay. With the sanction lose both meetings by three to zero, what leaves to Chile like fifth in the classification and lastrando to Argentina to the sixth position. Chileans and Argentinians have the same points, sixteen, but by golaveraje "the red" surpasses to the albiceleste. Paraguay remains to a point, with fifteen, but the situation is even more difficult.

And it is that to Argentina come him two duelosde extreme requirement in front of Brazil and Colombia. Two extremely difficult parties and in which the ones of Bauza can not fail. Who went to say him to all a country that would change so much his situation by a footballer like Nelson Cabrera, the player by which Bolivia was sanctioned.

The table of classification, the four first classify and the fifth will play the repechage:

  • 1 - Brazil 21 points
  • 2 - Uruguay 20 points
  • 3 - Ecuador 17 points
  • 4 - Colombia 17 points
  • 5 - Chile 16 points
  • 6 - Argentina 16 points
  • 7 - Paraguay 15 points
  • 8 - Peru 11 points
  • 9 - Bolivia 3 points
  • 10 - Venezuela 2 points