In the minute 68 suspended the party clasificatorio for the Eurocopa of 2016 that confronted to Montenegro and to Russia. A fight between the players and the climate of violence in the terracings made impossible that the meeting arrived until the ninety minutes

The party of the phase of classification for the Eurocopa 2016 between the selections of Montenegro and Russia had to be suspended in the minute 68 after a fight between the players of both groups on the lawn and also by incidents with the fans in the terracings. East was the last episode of a quite rugged clash.

To the 30 seconds of party the juegoquedó unemployed when the Russian goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev received the impact in the head of a flare launched by the fans situated behind his goal. Akinfeev Had to be withdrawn of the field by the medical services with the players of both selections in the changing rooms. The Russian remained hospitalizado with burns in the neck and part of the peel. Half hour later, restarted the game.

The beginning of the second part also saw delayed when fans montenegrinos began to start the seats of the stadium to launch them against the followers visitors. Managers of the UEFA and of the two selections decided to follow with the meeting, although it warned by megaphony that with the following incident would suspend of definite form the party.

And this incident arrived in the minute 65, after a penalti pitado against of the local selection. Although Russia did not achieve to mark, the players and the technical body of the two teams began to litigate . The violence happened to the terracings, and the German referee Deniz Aytekin gave by finished the party. Now the UEFA will have to decide if the party restarts another day, leaves the result in tie or give him the 3 points to Russia like punishment to the hosts.