Stephen Hawking has discovered the formula so that England can win the World-wide of Brazil. According to the calculations of the English scientist, the team of Roy Hodgson would have to play with the equipación red and have a 4-3-3 to achieve the dream to revalidate the World-wide of 1966

Besides, in the inaugural party against the Uruguay, "would go us well a European referee, more empathic with the English football that with dancers like Luis Suárez", indicated, referring to the fame of the player of the Liverpool to throw in the area. The British physicist has analysed all the data of the World-wide from 1966 after collecting environmental variables, psychological, physical and tactical, and has put to the service of Roy Hodgson the following conclusions: 

"England has a percentage of upper success when it uses the red T-shirt, that confers a plus of aggressiveness and command, and has more successes with a 4-3-3 that with the 4-4-2"

Lamentably for the English, Hawking also has said that the "pross" surrender better in temperate climates, a difficult premise to fulfil, since have like headquarters the city of Manaus, in full Amazon rainforest.