Neymar Is a player something controversial that, far to be the big referent of the Brazilian football, is a star that does that they appear continuous discrepancies around his figure. Anybody can deny his big talent futbolístico, that keeps him between the best, but his attitude causes controversy in Brazil.

The Brazilian finds at present in his country recovering of his injury and in his public apparitions, far to show hard-working to recover of his injury and with hunger to eat the world with Paris Saint-Germain and his selection, shows totally despreocupado and living some plácidas holidays.

Paulo Sergio adds to the criticisms to Neymar

Roberto Carlos, ex player of the Real Madrid, already criticised the attitude of Neymar in some recent statements. Paulo Sergio, mythical ex international of the Brazilian selection, followed his same way providing a new 'zasca' to the forward of the PSG. "Neymar Can become the best player of the world, but never will be able to be the captain of Brazil", said.

The ex international Brazilian did not bite the tongue to the hour to value how went him to Neymar when it was captain of the 'canarinha'. "All would have to remember that Neymar already went captain of Brazil and had serious difficulties during this period", recognised the ex footballer.

Paulo Sergio also gave him a touch to Neymar by his attitude and urged him to centre in the football, leaving fall that it has not done it to date. "Has the future in his hands, but has to centre in the football and forget of the rest of things. It can become the best player of the world, but at all more", said.

The 'dart' of Roberto Carlos

Roberto Carlos, ex player of the Real Madrid, insinuated recently that Neymar does not work neither takes care the sufficient: "In Brazil are religious and think that these things, this type of accidents, do not occur by chance. I think that from now Neymar will centre more in his work and will take care better".