The FC Barcelona tiene clear that does not want to risk with Memphis Depay of face to the commitment of this Thursday in front of the Napoli, by the dieciseisavos of the Europe League. The forward already is in the final stretch of his recovery of the muscular injury that suffered at the beginning of December, but from the technical body do not want to precipitate with his return, to minimise the risk of a relapse.

Memphis Suffered a muscular injury biceps femoral of the left thigh the past 8 December during the commitment in front of the Bayern Munich. Afterwards to recover , returned a month afterwards but at the end only attained to contest a pair of parties, in the field of the Granada and in front of the Real Madrid in the Supercopa of Spain contested in Arabia. In said classical was sustituído by muscular problems and since has not played more.

Therefore, Xavi Hernández has decided not running risks since, after the commitment in front of the Madrid, Memphis suffered important annoyances in the scar of the break. Besides, ruto of this injury and of these annoyances, the international 'oranje' has gone suffering of overload muscular that have put him in a situation of risk of break fibrilar. One of them prevented him go in in the announcement for the party of Glass in front of the Athletic of Bilbao.

When it will be available again?

The forecast of the technician egarense and of the staff medical is that Memphis can go back to be to disposal of face to the next party of LaLiga in front of Valencia of the next Sunday or for the turn of the eliminatory against the Napoli, fixed for the Thursday 24 February. Two fundamental parties for the Barcelona group.

Like this then , the drop confirmed of the attacker Dutch adds to the drop of Ronald Araújo, that was touched in the sóleo this Sunday in front of the Espanyol, party that had to abandon from the halftime by prevention. Now, Xavi will have to lidiar with the absence of two vital players of the first team, that will have to sortear with the inclusion of acting.