After the company DIS reported to the family Neymar by the signing of the crack of Sao Paolo by the FC Barcelona, and the Spanish Justice forced to the judge José of Kills it Amaya to reopen the "Case Neymar 2", the same family of the footballer canarinho interposed a resource against this. However, this Friday has known that the own judge, of the central court number 5, desestimó said resource of reform presented by the family Neymar, against the car of date of 3 November 2016 in which it ordered the continuity of the previous diligences on the case 'Neymar 2'.

All this once the Barcelona had arrived to a pact with the Fiscalía and the Legal profession of the State, with which assumed two crimes by fiscal fraud and a fine of 5'5 millions. Reopened the case, so much the family of the Barcelona attacker like the entity culé showed his surprise and indignation because the case reopened , all due to the fact that the company that detentaba right with the footballers, the investment fund DIS.

Neymar Confronts to two years of prison

It does weeks knew that the Fiscalía had requested at all more and at all less than two years of prison for Neymar Jr, two more for his father and another for his mother, in juxtaposition to the five years that ask for the ex president Sandro Rosell and the multimillionaire fines of 8,4 million euros for the FC Barcelona.

These are the measures that requested the Fiscalía in relation to the open case to four bands between the Saints, the FC Barcelona, the Neymar and the company DIS, including besides to the ex president that carried out the negotiations by the signing of the Brazilian, Sandro Rosell. The Fiscalía sued that it reopened the oral trial against the player, his parents, Sandro Rosell and a director of the Saints, as well as to the two clubs when considering that it carried out a "corruption in the businesses" and "improper swindle by means of contractual simulation".