The FC Barcelona announced this Tuesday in the morning in a communiqué that the Kun Agüero desvelará the Wednesday in press conference his future. "We inform that this Wednesday 15 December to the 12.00 hours will take place in the installations of the Camp Nou the appearance of Sergio 'Kun' Agüero to explain his future", affirmed the culés. In this appearance, the Argentinian will announce his withdrawal of the professional football by fault of his problems of heart.

This past Monday, in 'MARK' ensured that the forward went to speak this Wednesday 15 December to announce that it withdrew . With this communiqué, the Barça has confirmed this information and has put hour to the press conference. It will be to the 12 of the morning in an act in which it will be Joan Laporta and to the that probably also will assist the mates of the ex of the Manchester City to accompany him.

"The act will explain also with the participation of Joan Laporta, president of the FC Barcelona and of the player of the first team of football", informed the blaugrana in his writing. The maximum mandator of the picture barcelonista probably take the word during the act to sack to the of Buenos Aires of the Barça. Nevertheless, it will be a press conference in which the Kun will be the big protagonist, since it will have to explain the reasons of his withdrawal.

It is necessary to remember that it does a month and half, Agüero had to withdraw of the field during the Barcelona-Alavés by causes cardiológicas. After the proofs diagnosed him a malignant arrhythmia and left clear that his turn to the terrains of game was a chimaera. During weeks has rumoreado a lot on his withdrawal, but the player has needed all this time for apurar his options to go back to play before taking a definite decision.

Decision meditada by the Kun Agüero

After evaluating all his options and make all the medical examinations that could do, the Kun finally has decided to put an end to his career like footballer. This Wednesday will announce it of official form and will sack of all the barcelonismo and of all the fans of the football that have followed him during all his career. It will be a moment I last for him, but it has been a decision meditada in which it has bet by the health. Therefore, this Wednesday the bonaerense will say goodbye to the that has been one of the loves of his life: the football.