Pedro Luis Ripoll, doctor and prestigious traumatologist that also is founder of the medical centre of excellence FIFA Ripoll and Of Meadow was analysing for Sportive World the injury that suffers Ansu Fati and his current situation. Unfortunately, the canterano suffered a break of the left meniscus on 7 November and was operated by the doctor Cugat two days afterwards, that him suturó the meniscus broken.

They predicted four months of drop for the player, but the terms will not be able to fulfil due to the fact that the recovery of the forward has suffered a pair of stops. The last sucedió does a week when it inflamed him the knee. Now, it gives decided do a test of a pair of weeks to his articulation lesionada, subjecting him to important efforts. Once surpassed this time will evaluate if the knee attained to answer of positive or negative way. If the answer is negative, would have to be again taken part, what does not wish the forward.

According to the opinion of the recognised doctor Ripoll: "the suture meniscal, that is what did him in November, was forced in a boy of 18 years. This yes, knowing that four of each ten sutures do not hit. And knowing also that of the 6 that hit, also there are times that the suture breaks over time because the scar does not have the resistance of the original fabric of the meniscus".

The explanation of the doctor Ripoll

Likewise, the doctor Ripoll advanced that it is possible that suceda that the knee of Ansu do not evolve of correct way during these two weeks of proof: "If the suture follows giving problems, there are two options. On the one hand, can try sew it again, what is indicated in breaks meniscales of small size. By another, can do a meniscectomía partial, that is to say, extirpar the piece of meniscus affected.

"It is important to take into account that the meniscus is an amortiguador that protects the cartilage of the knee and that if the cartilage breaks , no cicatriza. And this yes that it is a problem because if there is not amortiguación between the bones produces a friction that generates a lot of problems. Therefore, all the efforts have to go headed to save the greater quantity of possible meniscus because to Ansu remains him a lot of career by in front and it is necessary to preserve him this amortiguación of his articulation", sentenced the traumatologist.