Ferran Torres has been presented this Monday in the Camp Nou. The polyvalent footballer arrives pertinent of the Manchester City and has signed an agreement with the FC Barcelona until the season 2026-2027. In his presentation, has showed very ilusionado for beginning this new stage like Barcelona player and has left a moving message to the fans to appreciate his traspaso to the Catalan picture.

On foot of field, in front of the fans in the terracings, Ferran jumped dressed of blaugrana and, pronounced his first words in the Camp Nou, standing out that "first, give him the thanks to the president and to the club. Thanks to all the culers by this big welcome. It is a dream, the Barça has a greatness. I will give all what have to give back to the Barça where deserves . I am ready, the injury is almost cured and in at all will be giving joys to the fans".

"Have many win to put me to the orders of Xavi and be with all my new mates"

Of his step in the Manchester City and 'The Red', where has been trained by Pep Guardiola and Luis Enrique, two referents culés, Ferran has said that "have two trainers like Guardiola and Luis Enrique will help me a lot to adapt me to the DNA Barça. Have many win to put me to the orders of Xavi and be with all my new mates", standing out before visiting the field, that "need your support to give back to the Barça to the place where deserves ".

In room of press, the extreme has aimed that "are being days very special. Very grateful to the 'presi', Rafa and Mateu to the culés by the welcome. I am wishing to play already in the Camp Nou". Questioned by his change from the Manchester City, recognised that "always I have said it, had it very clear. I was to the City to return to one of the big of Spain. It was prepared to assume this responsibility. I want to give back to the Barça to the place where deserves ".

Ferran is prepared to play with the Barça

Of the position in which it expects to play in the Barça, Ferran warned that, although it comes playing like forward in the City, but "where more comfortable seat me is in the right band. While it play, it gives me the same the position". Likewise, of the role that expects to have in the Camp Nou, explained that "always there will be competition and expect to be important whenever it win it to me and give a lot of joys and keep growing like footballer".

Of his recovery of the injury in the foot, has affirmed that is going between the limits posed and that it is positive regarding a debut próximamente: "The injury goes well, are ultimando the recovery but seat me well expect to be for the Supercopa or before and like me the big challenges. And I considered that the Barça was a good option".