The father of Neymar Jr did not remain impasible after seeing by television the hard entrance received by Fernando Torres on the lawn of Riazor, and made by Álex Bergantiños. Neymar Sr Criticised to the player of the Sportive of the Coruña and to the referee of the party through the social networks, taking into account that Bergantiños not even received yellow by the action.

In fact, the father of Neymar Jr took advantage of also to remember that his son lived a similar situation in the World-wide of Brazil 2014, when in the Brazil-Colombia suffered a rodillazo by the back of Zúñiga, that in addition to preventing him contest the semifinals of the World-wide in front of Germany also him mermó during the long weeks that lasted the recovery of the zone affected.

The father of Neymar remembered the injury of his son

"A strong scene!", it can read in the message of the father of Neymar. My son was victim of a similar situation in the Glass of the World 2014 and from this unforgettable day for me, have been me asking how long the arbitration will allow that they occur played like that, a footballer uses a disproportionate and unnecessary strength, by behind, deleting completely the possibility to defend when suffering the load".

"Once again a played like this produces and is not not even yellow card... How many players have to lesionar until this type of actions forbid in the football???? My wish by the prompt recovery of @fernandotorres. @neymarjr @institutoneymarjr", went the publication of the father of Neymar Jr, visibly angered by the action, and especially by his impunity.