The sportive practice is the base of a healthy way of life. However, the injuries of knees are common between those who make sport of way asidua. In addition to treatments with specialists, the affected by these injuries have to resort to councils and products that relieve the unrest caused by the pain or the discomfort, like application of ice or a gel of massage for articulations.

Except explained exceptions, the injuries of knees are common and solve with a diagnostic hit and a treatment adapted to the circumstances. Thus, it does not have to cundir the panic if in some occasion perceive pricks or annoyances.

The injuries of knee more common

Tendinopatía Of the rotuliano

Also known like the injury of the jumper, the tendinopatía of the retuliano is an injury that affects to the sinew commissioned to communicate the inferior part of the rótula with the bone of the tibia. The sportsman that is used to to suffer this injury presents a pain located just under the knee, in his central part.

Sprains and breaks of the ligament crossed previous

It is a very common condition in sports in which it is necessary to make changes of direction to high speed, as for example football, handball, sports of snow, etc. This ligament joins the bone femur to the bone of the tibia and commissions to give stability to the knee.

Breaks of meniscuss

The breaks of meniscus are used to to produce when the knees suffer impacts of high intensity, like sports maratonianos, football, basketball, etc. The meniscuss are structures that help to cushion the load exerted in the knee, between the bone femur and the tibia. Thus, his wear translates in breaks.

Injury of leg of goose

The name of this injury explains by the three sinews that see affected: the muscle grácil, sartorio and semitendinoso. Although his origin situates in the hip, insert in the inner part of the knee. This injury is used to to confuse with the one of the meniscuss, since it produces pain in the internal part of the knee.

Injury of the cintilla iliotibial

The injury of the cintilla iliotibial is causes it number one of queries in centres of physiotherapy by part of runners. The cintilla iliotibial is composed by the muscle tensor of the fascia tin and his cintilla, which arrives until the external part of the knee. In spite of that the cause of the problems situates in the hip, the pains manifest in the knee and prevent to the runner make his activity.

Councils to relieve the pain

The injuries of knee have to be treated by a specialist, already was traumatologist or fisioterapeuta. Nevertheless, they can combine with some methods that relieve the annoyances and allow to develop, inside the possible, a normal activity. Between them, the most recommended by the specialists are the following:

  • Depending on the severity of the injury, the doctor or fisioterapeuta will recommend a moderate sportive practice, already was of half intensity or of long walks.
  • The application of cold in the knee some 10 or 15 minutes after making a physical activity is fundamental to avoid inflammation.
  • The creams and geles of massage allow movilizar the zone and avoid tension and pain.
  • The realisation of a study of the stepped and the use of staff so that the stepped was optimum can finish with diverse injuries of knee.