Although the affine means to the surroundings of the FC Barcelona carry days leaving clear that Leo Messi is loved to follow playing a lot of years more in the Barça, club by which foresees that it renew in the next months, from some sectors of the Spanish press continues insisting in possible offers that can finish seducing to the Argentinian star to do the cases.

The last information of this type has been desvelada by "The World", ensuring that the surroundings of Leo Messi would have received of a foreign club -of the that does not reveal the name but that intuye that it is the Manchester City- a proposal desorbitada to do with his services.

And it is that when seeming Leo Messi, in the case to accept the exit of the FC Barcelona to play in this team in question, embolsaría a premium of at all more and at all less than 100 million euros, a quantity that seems little credible but that, taking into account it inflado that it is at present the market of signings, neither seems of the all descabellada for some big club that besides was economic power.

In the case that Leo Messi accepted this bonus, adds "The World",  "would not credit the clause of rescission, that in his case rises to 250 million euros, more interests, and would compensate him with this terrific quantity, to which would join more advance his succulent agreement".

It treats of an information as we say little credible, since the FC Barcelona will not accept less than the 250 "kilos" that appear in the clause of rescission of "The Flea" as long as it give off of the services of the best player of the world. The time, as always, will be the one who check if said informations on the hypothetical course of Messi are or no true.