In some statements conceded during the last hours to "Radius Marks", the president of the League Santander, Javier Thebes, has made a comparison odiosa between Leo Messi and the torero José Tomás, when what pretended was elogiar to the "crack" Argentinian of the FC Barcelona.

"For me Messi is José Tomás", has ensured Thebes, faithful admirer of the torero and in a sentence with which pretended ensalzar the figure of the Argentinian. The case is that, minutes after said words went out of his mouth and went published in distinct media, cientos of people have criticised him deeply for considering a sport the bullfighting.

"Compare to the best player of the history with a murderous of animals only could go out of a subject like east", has been one of the assessments collected, so much in the social networks as in the section of comments of the main sportive means state.

During the interview, Thebes has treated also some prickly subjects, like the recent criticisms of the "Cholo" Simeone to the schedules of the parties of League"The schedules can not have the prediction of the time. It has resolved well stopping the parties and drinking water. All the world has problems with the rest, but is impossible to keep it by the audiovisual and economic", has aseverado Thebes in the quoted interview.