The journalist Alfonso Ussía has published in "The Reason" an article in which it attacks and abuses to Leo Messi, insinuating that it dopes and accusing him to steal to the Spaniards by the case of Inland revenue. The barcelonismo and the "fans" of the Argentinian are outraged

As it relates the newspaper "Sport", an article published by the journalist Alfonso Ussía in the newspaper "The Reason" is causing a big indignation, patent in the social networks, in all the barcelonismo and especially between the followers of Leo Messi, that chains several months without being to his best physical level and anímico. The reporter has opened fire directly against the figure of the Argentinian star, cebándose with him and ridiculing it in front of all the readers. It accuses him to steal to the Spaniards by the embrollo with Inland revenue, to dope , puts with his problems with the vomits and also with his personality introvertida, comparing it with the one of Javier Mascherano.

"To having seen Rubén Darío the party of the final of the World-wide of Argentina, had written a new version of his Sonatina: Nandrolono is sad, What will have Nandrolono?/ It has lost his rhythm, has lost his tone/ although they have him molding a lovely toupee", can read in one of the paragraphs of the article. It does not have any miramiento to the hour to disqualify directly to "The Flea" and criticise duramente his election like Balloon of Gold of the World-wide 2014. "To this boy him sucede something graver that his peculiar interpretation of the melancholy. For me, that no longer has age to follow justifying the doses of hormones for the growth and so much he like his doctors have been warned that the growth has arrived to his tope and neither a hormone more".

Also it can read the following: "Messi has a big problem. Anímico And physicist. These vomits can not reduce to a diagnostic fan: -they Are the nerves-. No; that it look , that train and that go back to run as it did it two years backwards in the Football Club Barcelona, whose leaders, partners and ebullient adherents would have to be the most concerned and embarrassed in these moments". And it does not have any objection in calling to Maradona "botarate", "majadero" and "clamoroso imbécil".

In any case, the writing has not happened neither much less careless for the fans culé and already are thousands the requests through the social networks that the directive of the FC Barcelona act against the journalist and the quoted half taking legal measures. The facts remember to it sucedido with the Chain COPE when the journalist Juan Antonio Alcalá insinuated, in 2011, that the players of the Barça doped . The Barcelona club received then a compensation of 200.000 euros by damages and damages.

Carlos Domínguez