The best player of the world, Leo Messi, has in the actuality at all more and at all less than 5 Balloons of Gold, but is conscious -as all the culés- that, to his 29 years, will have a lot of possibilities to continue harvesting individual titles of east calibrate as long as they accompany to the FC Barcelona the collective titles, an apparently indispensable premise to heave with the award.

Now that Cristiano Ronaldo has conquered the fourth Balloon of Gold of his career to the 31 years, and after the same Portuguese player of the Real Madrid have ensured that it will be very complicated to go back to win any more before the withdrawal, the reality is that Leo Messi has the morals and ambition by the clouds to surpass all the challenges that are for coming and obtain once again the most absolute sportive glory.

For the moment, it can say that goes in way. It is the current "Pichichi" stood out of the UEFA Champions League with 10 goals in hardly five days contested of phase of groups, whereas it also leaves at most goleador of the League Santander 2016-17 with 11 goals in 15 days, a target more than a Christian Ronaldo that in Champions so only has been able to mark two goals this campaign.

The Barça, with a staff to content to Messi

The FC Barcelona, besides, has this season a staff the sufficiently wide and competitive as to assault all the titles once remain joined up definitively new signings like André Gomes, Paco Alcácer, Lucas Digne or Denis Suárez, that still have not given the definite step as to explode of the all to the orders of Luis Enrique.

If all course according to the planned and the Barça goes back to add important titles this campaign, there will be doubt that Leo Messi will go back to be the favourite maximum to achieve the award, because the team depends more than him that he of the team. His registers of goals and assistances will follow marvelling, but will depend also of other factors that the club achieve to heave, or no, again with the most longed for trophies. That there is luck.