Every time it remains less so that they go back to restart the parties after a stop of the competitions that will have lasted three months. A stop that seems that it has served so that the players of the FC Barcelona renew illusions​ and fill of optimism of face to this final stretch of season, in which the team will play LaLiga and the Champions League.

Like captain and big leader of the team inside and out of the terrains of game, Leo Messi is taking the word during these previous days to the turn of the football. And It is doing it to leave clear that the team will go back with the loaded batteries and with the illusion to leave it everything on the terrain of game. Like this it desveló in a motivating message through his official profile of Instagram.

"We follow training, for recargarnos, to follow encouraging us and give the best. We will go back to the field to leave it all", wrote the Barcelona captain, accompanying his message with the hashtag #HazQueLosDíasCuenten. Some words that seem to leave clear win them that has 'the flea' to go back to the terrain of game to go back to conquer titles.

A day before said post, went out published an interview of Adidas with the own Messi in which it left clear win them of the staff for going back to play. "We can not think in what we are leaving backwards this year. It is better to think in the future. Like going back to the day in day out of the trainings, see to the mates, play the first parties. Definitely, it will be rare at the beginning, but have many win to go back to compete!", it ensured.

In this interview, besides, showed his optimism especially focalizado in the turn of the lesionados, in a clear reference to Luis Suárez. "When we go back to play, will be like starting afresh. We go to have a time to prepare us before it start the competition, and on the other hand, go to recover important players for us, that were lesionados", remembered.

For the own Messi, this stop also can have been important to freshen mentally. The Argentinian began the season of rugged way, with several injuries, and this long rest can have him come well to physical level. Although, of course, it is a weapon of double edge regarding the physical problems, since it fears a plague of injuries in the team because of the fault of competitive rhythm of the players.

The publication of Messi