Leo Messi has used the social networks to excuse by the fact of have not assisted to the session of training to open doors of the FC Barcelona this Monday owing to a gastroenteritis. The Argentinian ensures that it had liked him be present

The "crack" Argentinian has not been able to assist to the training of open doors, to the that thousands of boys have assisted, by fault of a gastroenteritis. Besides, it has signalled that "it had liked me be in the training of Navidad. Never I have been missing, but these setbacks can not control. Wish that the dreams of each boy do reality".

Messi, angered with Luis Enrique?

As they ensure half like "Sport" and "weloba.cat", in communion with other informations like the ones of "Chain COPE", the relation between Leo Messi and the entenador of the FC Barcelona, Luis Enrique, would not happen neither much less by his best moment to day of today.

Some technical decisions of the Asturian -as the fact to leave in front of the Real Sociedad in the bench to varied of his "cracks", or other related with the day in day out in the trainings- would have bothered to the Argentinian star until the point of distanciarle of his trainer.