Before taking a flight course to Paris, Neymar Jr has published a message through his account of 'Instagram' with which has wanted to sack of his best friends and mates in the FC Barcelona, Leo Messi and Luis Suárez, those who tried to convince him to the end that it remained in the Barcelona team, although finally they did not attain his aim.

Messi and Suárez have published recently moving messages of farewell for Neymar, and after having them answered now has been the Brazilian star the one who has wanted to have a detail for his "hermanitos", with those who no longer will go back to share changing room.

"Hermaniitooosss ... Wish all the well for you, thank you by these years of a lot of joy and learning. I am a man done to play with you .... One of the reasons by which came to Barcelona was @leomessi, wanted to play with my idol and the biggest that have seen in the football".

Moving message of Neymar for his friends

"Thank you By all the affection that gave me and by all what learnt seeing you from near. There are not words... Always I will be your fan and will admire you", has referred in first instance to Leo Messi.

To continuation, has had some beautiful words for Luis Suárez. "Gordooo @ luissuarez9 arrived bringing achieve an enormous joy and jointing us even more, the one who would say that 3 of SUDAMÉRICA went to go out like this of well. I learnt several things of you and the elder of them was to kick at first".

Neymar Wishes the best to Messi, Suárez and to the FC Barcelona. But now it is decided to write his own history in solitary in another club. "WISH THE BEST FOR YOU !! I LOVE YOU and I will throw you A lot OF LESS, mainly the sessions of basketball. Also I appreciate to all the mates that have had during these years...".

"I arrived being a dreamy boy, wanting to learn of you, and today go out like a proud man to have you had to my side all this time", ensured the goleador. "Never they lose the humility that have and that they are happy always! We are together, and the rest? It IS HISTORY", has manifested. Luck, Neymar, although no when you play against the Barça.