Leo Messi is in a state of form absolutely brilliant with the FC Barcelona. The '10' Barcelona finds in one of the best moments of game of all his sportive career, something that gives a big competitive advantage to the selection of Argentina in the World-wide of Russia that will celebrate this next summer.

Jorge Sampaoli, seleccionador of the Argentinian team, undid in praises to the crack of the FC Barcelona in some recent statements in a press conference. "It is the Argentinian of Leo Messi, no mine", ensured the seleccionador of the combined albiceleste, that added that "it is in a moment of absolute maturity and of big responsibility. It gives him security to the rest. Every time it plays better".

With the aim in the World-wide of Russia

Sampaoli Also affirmed that the mentality of the Argentinian team has to be always offensive, treating to look for the rival goal without especular. "Our intention is much more linked to the rival arch that to the own. We do not go to especular. Have very little time but the idea has seduced to the group and perceive it in each one of the trainings", commented.

The seleccionador of the albiceleste recognised that the team has to "consolidate a form to play" to have options to win the World-wide of Russia. "To win the World-wide in Russia have to enjoy. If we suffer, we will not have possibility", recognised, recalcando that "we are candidates by team and by flag. The respect that generate is very big and all give us like favourites".

Clear ideas of Jorge Sampaoli

Sampaoli recalcó The idea to have in the staff to versatile players that adapt to styles of distinct game, according to the moment. "It is necessary to see to all the footballers and need to have to competitive players that adapt to a lot of systems because we will go changing", affirmed. Also it showed critic with those who describe this generation of footballers like losers: "it seems Me very unfair".

The seleccionador Argentinian also has praised to the new players in the announcements with the selection. "Have a lot of enthusiasm for being in the final list and have adapted well with double sessions and have stepped to approach to the most veteran", sentenced.