It is clear that when Lionel Andrés Messi leave the practice of the football, will leave also a grandísimo hollow in the hearts of the lovers of this sportive practice. However, and although it remains a lot for this, there is not at all better that review the descriptions that some day gave of him mates, rival, trainers or simple lovers of the football. Diego Armando Maradona, Arsene Wenger, Josep Guardiola, Xavi Hernández or Steve Nash were those that better defined the magic of Leo, the daily "Sport" recopiló the 20 better sentences said on him.

Luis Figo:

"For me see play to Messi is a pleasure. It is like having an orgasm. It is an incredible pleasure".

Josep Guardiola:

"Some time will explain him to my grandchildren that I trained to Leo Messi. To Messi it is necessary to speak him little, listen very the little that says. And that anybody forget : to Messi does not be necessary to take it out never, neither for the ovation".

"You do not write on him, you do not treat to describe what does; simply look it".

Jorge Valdano:

"The best is Messi and the second, Messi lesionado"

Xavi Hernández:

"It is clear that Messi finds to a distinct level to the rest. Those that do not know it see is that they are blind".

Arsene Wenger:

"Messi is a player of Play Station. The things that are impossible, he does them possible".


"Newton and Einstein had a true level of autism; I expect that, as they, Messi surpass to himself same every day and follow us giving the beauty of his football".

Steve Nash:

"It gives me the same that Ronadlo do 6.000 abdominal, nape will be so good like Messi".

Javier Mascherano:

"Although perhaps it was not human, is well that Messi still think that it is it".

Radomir Antic:

"Messi is the Mozart of the football".

Diego Armando Maradona:

"Now already I know which player will occupy my place in the football and his name is Lionel Messi. Has something distinct of any another player. It is a leader that shows it giving example".

Wayne Rooney:

"Messi is a prank; the best that have seen my eyes".

Santiago Solari:

"Every time that Messi encara gives us a passage to the recreos in the playground of the school, a shortcut in the time".

Luis Enrique:

"It does things that not even saw in Oliver and Benji [the series of cartoons]. It is the best of the world, even in defence",

Ray Hudson:

"They said me that all the men are equal in the eyes of God. This player does you think seriously about these words".

Fabio Capello:

"Cristiano knows English, Messi, football".

Frank Rijkaard:

"The goals of Messi are pieces of art".

Jordi Roura:

?When you see to Messi play, what does seems simple. But if you stop you a moment and you think it, it is a madness".

Marcello Lippi:

"The best? Simply Messi".

Karl-Heinz Rummenigge :

"Never I saw to anybody so wonderful with 19 years. Neither I Peeled neither Maradona".

-Fernando Gago:

"I thank God each day that Messi was Argentinian".