The one who went until does few years referee of First Division, Iturralde González, has desvelado in an interview some anecdotes during his stage like referee of high level, two of them related with Cristiano Ronaldo and Leo Messi, with those who kidded in half of both parties.

In the case of the Argentinian star of the FC Barcelona, Iturralde decided to direct to the "10" just after this annotated a golazo leaving of several contrary players and, afterwards, left walking to the centre of the field as if such thing.

"It was one of these played that dribla to all and finish putting a golazo. It goes for the half of the field as well as that has not done at all. I look him and I say him: it Hears, you do not come you so up that of those have put I a lot of eh!. And it remained me looking as well as "or east is gilipollas or has wanted to me hesitate", has explained Iturralde in an interview conceded to "The Window" of the Chain BE.

With Cristiano Ronaldo Iturralde also wanted to have a moment of glory, when in half of a meeting called to the Portuguese "cheerful mouth" for having said that in addition to being the number one in the field, also was it playing to the ping-pong.

"I have read that you are the number one to the ping pong, and I to the ping pong pop you", said Iturralde to the star of the Real Madrid, that also took with sense of the humour the extravagant prank of the ex referee of First Division, and now tertuliano.