The Argentinian selection of Leo Messi fell estrepitosamente against Spain in the last friendly of preparation of the World-wide of Russia of this month of March and the Barcelona star could not play it, having to remain in the loge to see the meeting and receiving a hard hit anímico by the been bulky result.

After the apabullante defeat of the albiceleste, the Argentinian press showed more critical that never and agreed of Messi, to who sometimes signalled like the solution to the problems of the team and others in that neither he could have solved the despropósito against the Spanish selection.

It missed to Messi

"The team that has all clear left full of confusion to the another, that thought that it went in way to achieve his style", published 'Bugle', adding that "it can be unfair, because without Messi, Agüero and Gave María the category of the selection approaches too much to a second selection. It is not novelty that when it plays Messi dissemble a lot of things, and that what lacking notices less", added 'Bugle'.

On the other hand, the journalist Fernández Moores aimed that neither Leo Messi can solve the problem. "After the first adversity, appeared again this fragility that already alarms, the feeling that already at all will be able to revertirse, not even with Messi inside the field. Acaso Some confuse personality with these final hits that looked for to intimidate yesterday to Spain", commented.

Criticisms to Argentina

The sportive newspaper Olé was very critical with the party of the Argentinians: "Anybody can situate to Argentina in the group of candidates for the World-wide alone because some of his players stand out in Europe. The selection mixes two fatal ingredients to arm a good team: a numerous group of players little reliable and a technician that lives changing".

On the other hand, the mythical ex player and ex seleccionador Argentinian Diego Armando Maradona opted for giving spirits to a selection that needs to remount if it wants to have possibilities in Russia. "In this moment, the only that remains is to improve. We go Argentina, always", said.