Leo Messi is the best player of football of all time. Even and like this, in Argentina follows existing the debate on if the current crack of the FC Barcelona is upper to Diego Armando Maradona futbolísticamente, something that follows generating an important controversy between the public opinion, that debate between the two symbols of the albiceleste.

The most recent chapter of the debate originated it the ex Argentinian player Claudio Caniggia, that showed cutting when saying that Maradona always will be upper.  "Messi does not go to be never what was Maradona. They are distinct players and different periods", commented, something that finish carrying the answer of Maxi Biancucchi, prime of Messi.

The 'rajada' of Caniggia

In the program 'Football 910', Claudio Caniggia continued with his comparison mentioning that Maradona has a World-wide: "Messi is a crack, but the world of the football, up to now, did not give a player like Maradona. If it wins the World-wide of Russia will depend on how win . If it is being the big figure like Diego in the 86, many will think that it could equalise it, but surpass it no".

Caniggia Recognised that, in spite of that Leo Messi is more constant, Maradona did things that has not seen him to anybody: "Maradona is the most incredible player that have seen, an extraordinary player that gave the football. Messi in some things is more constant, but what did Maradona does not do it anybody".

To throw more firewood to the fire, yes found him to Maradona a player to the height: the Brazilian Peeled. Although curiously, it recognised to not to have him seen play in the life, something that subtracts him credibility: "Only I put it to I Peeled to his height, that did not see it and is by what say. They are the two more extraordinary players that gave us the football"

Defence of Maxi Biancucchi

The answers in the social networks did not do expect and Maxi Biancucchi, prime of Leo Messi, answered by Twitter to the comments of Claudio Caniggia. "Better warn him to Diego, that does not go to be never Messi, do not reach him two lives to equalise it...", it wrote in the social networks the forward of the Blond Ñu.