There is not place to doubts that Leo Messi is the best player of football of the world. They know it in Argentina and in any part of the planet. In the friendly against Spain that finish with goleada of 'the red' to the 'albiceleste', the absence of the '10' of the FC Barcelona noticed so much that the Argentinian team could not avoid the goleada.

In spite of all this, Leo Messi can not avoid that in his own country there is detractores and indictments on his form to act with the selection of Argentina. One of them is Martín Liberman, a famous sportive journalist Argentinian. In some recent statements, has criticised duramente to the Barcelona star for considering it "harmful".

One of the appearances that Liberman criticised on Leo Messi was that he, beside his friends of the Argentinian changing room handle the selection albiceleste to his antojo. "I am a convinced that this selection is driven by Lionel Messi and his friends. They handle the Argentinian selection", commented the controversial journalist.

In the same speech, still was more far and ensured that the star of the FC Barcelona damages the Argentinian selection by his form to act: "Sometimes Messi does not do him well to the selection by his mechanisms or his form to proceed. I think that Leo Messi is harmful in a lot of appearances, although it was an exceptional footballer"

It considers to Leo Messi the best

PThat to the hard criticisms poured on Leo Messi, Liberman recognised that his presence is the big hope of the selection to have options to win the World-wide of Russia: "All this does not mean that it think that it does not have to be in the selection or that the dream (to win the World-wide) would be possible without him, that is the best of all. Argentina can be champion of the world because has to Leo Messi".

Maybe they went his more hit comments. Leo Messi has showed, even without playing, that is the fundamental pillar no only of the FC Barcelona, but also of the selection of Argentina. The '10' Barcelona has a big influence in the game of his teams and therefore it generates a very intense dependency. Argentina goes him to need.