The mark of sportive clothes "Adidas" has launched a new advertising announcement that has like aim motivate to the new generations of footballers to that they do not fix only in the "cracks" of the actuality, but they look for his own style to create new things

Ticket | Gone in Supercopa of Spain: Barcelona vs Athletic
Ticket | Gone in Supercopa of Spain: Athletic vs Barcelona

The mark "Adidas" has launched to the market a new advertising campaign that has like main aim inspire to the new generations of sportsmen to that encourage in looking for an own style that allow them create new things, fixing in all the referents of the actuality to take of each one of them what more attract them.

"It creates your own style" is the lemma of the campaign, that looks for concienciar to the youngsters that all is to his scope if have the talent and capacity of necessary sacrifice as to achieve it. The future stars of the world of the football -and of any sport-, in this sense, will have to fix in the current stars to follow creating new styles and building new ways.