A sportive journalist of the program "Debates Final", Martín Liberman, has gone back to criticise to Leo Messi by ausentarse of the last party of the selection of Argentina against Venezuela, that finished in a surprising tie, and however be training little by little with the FC Barcelona to try play this Saturday against the Alavés, something that is not at all sure still.

The case is that Liberman seems to take for granted since Messi will play against the Alavés, and insinuates that "The Flea" exaggerated his ailments in the pubis not to play the meeting in front of Venezuela. "So bad was Messi not to help to his mates in Venezuela? So bad was?".

"Because when it arrives to Barcelona is being attended in the zone of the pubis with a thumb in high and the comment on foot of photo is: Everything well, does not happen at all. If it is everything well does not happen at all... Why it did not go to Venezuela? If we are, we are", it signalled Liberman, that already is receiving a big quantity of criticisms in the social networks by his comments.

"It would be a shame that did not play in front of Venezuela and yes did it in front of the Alavés", aimed to continuation, seeding already the terrain for future criticisms in the case that Leo Messi finally was available to be ranged by Luis Enrique against the Basque group in the Camp Nou.

It fits to remember that, it does some days, Martín Liberman was one of the journalists that led a campaign to debate if Leo Messi really wanted to renounce to the selection of Argentina or was all "a strategy to avoid the criticisms", a theory that he seems to support in detriment, according to the results of said survey, of the majority of Argentinians.