The one who was preparador physicist of the Argentinian selection when Maradona was seleccionador, Fernando Signorini, remembered a curious situation lived between Diego and Leo Messi after a training 

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Diego Armando Maradona and Leo Messi, possibly two of the best players in the history of the football coincided in his moment like teacher and student aventajado in the Argentinian selection that contested the World-wide 2010. The one who was preparador physicist of that selection, Fernando Signorini, remembered in his book Football called to the rebellion. The dehumanisation of the sport like Maradona gave him a lesson to Messi after a train.

"We were to France to contest a friendly in front of the selected local, in Marseilles. The previous day to the party did a practice in the stadium, where Diego worked with the eleven headlines in the tactical end and I remained me with the rest doing a crazy until finishing the training. When it gave the order to finish, Mascherano, Tévez and Messi asked him if they could remain doing shots to the arch, to what Maradona accessed.

In a moment, Lionel put the ball looking to the arch, a bit on the left and when it hit him, his finish went far, by on top of the angle of the right hand of Carrizo. It did a gesture of annoyance and, like enfiló for the changing room, went out him to the crossing:

 -Decime A thing, a player like vos goes to go to duchar with this filth? Dejate To pin the balls. Agarrá A poleta and volvé to try.

I finish to pronounce this and see that it comes Diego, that had listened it all, as always. It took it of the shoulder and said him:

 -Leíto, Leíto, vení, dad. We go to do it of turn. (It was like a professor with the student). Poné The ball here and escuchame well: you do not take him out so fast the foot to the ball, because if no she does not know what vos querés.

Then, it stroked it with the left-handed and nailed it in the angle, inflando the network in front of the look of admiration of Messi".