The player more in shape of the FC Barcelona in this final stretch of season, Luis Suárez, no only is able to amuse to the fans on the terrains of game, marking goals to raudales and assisting to his mates. The forward charrúa has showed in more than an occasion his face more extrovertida and dicharachera, and in the new announcement of Pepsi goes back to take out it to the light.

The mark of sodas has launched to the social networks a new announcement with Luis Suárez like protagonist, in which the footballer does to go out of his house to a youngster stuck to the console to do that it relate with the external world.

The announcement, in addition to to promote the known mark of sodas, informs of a draw in which the winner will have the opportunity to travel until Barcelona to know in person to Luis Suárez. Besides, it treats of a "spot" also with some irony, since in a flash it does allusion -without mentioning it- to the main competitor of Pepsi in the market, Coca-Tail.

"No, no, no, no, to this no", says Luis Suárez when the young actor that appears in the announcement goes to open the refrigerator presumably of Coca-Tail, since has a red label in the top. The campaign has been created by Corporation Thompson, and promotes bottles of 1,5 litres.

In the announcement, can see to Luis Suárez pretending play a fictitious party, signing autographic and giving sample of the very that gives him do fun and spontaneous announcements... Although it always will give him better mark goals.