The be to thousands of kilometres has not prevented to Neymar Júnior celebrate one of his favourite parties: the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro. In this occasion, the star of the FC Barcelona gave to all his varied followers videos in which it appears touching the tambourine to the rhythm of the Brazilian festivity.

With the instrument of percussion, can see as to the crack Barcelona gives him very well mark the rhythm. The musical skills of "Ney" did not happen careless for his followers, that rained him with a pile of favourites and comments to his publications.

A good way that the one of the Barcelona forget the not being able to be in his earth during these dates. In fact, his friends, family and even Bruna Marquezine himself that are enjoying of one of the most special dates of the Brazilian country.

Neymar Agreed of Dani Alves

This yes, also had time the attacker of the FC Barcelona to agree of his excompañero and fellow Dani Alves. "A batucada that Dani Alves taught me", wrote the player on of the video.