The web page "Football Leaks" has gone back to do of the his and has published a new agreement of a footballer of elite. In this occasion, treats of the star of the FC Barcelona Neymar Júnior. Like this then , the half destapa all the secrets of the current agreement of the crack Brazilian with the group blaugrana and that it will be reviewed of face to the next summer, in the intention of both parts for renewing.

In this occasion, the document is the one who greater extension has of all the published as they have gone up to the network the thirteen pages of the same. And in east can observe things like the wage of the forward, the variable by aims as well as the clause and the length of the agreement of the attacker with the team blaugrana.

But we go by parts. In the first place, the eleven Barcelona earns five million gross euros by season. To this it is necessary to add that if it plays 60% or more than the parties of the team the club will happen to pay him 1.962.500 euros of more. The classify for the Champions, the pass to eighth and the achievement of titles are others of the variables reflected in the document.

All this is normal except the point in which it guarantees him to the player, well was by prime normal wage and aims, that will obtain a minimum wage of 45,9 million euros during the five years of agreement that has signed. That is to say, if in 2018 "Ney" does not reach this figure, the club would have to pay the difference. The attacker of 24 years has a clause of 190 million euros and after signing with the Catalan team earned a premium of 8,5 millions.