Hours after Gerard Hammered have announced publicly that will leave the just Spanish selection after the World-wide of Russia 2018, the father of the footballer of the FC Barcelona, Joan Hammered, has showed entirely in accordance with the decision and the words manifested by his son, tired also that it have had to coexist with constants críticias in "The Red" from does years.

The controversy of the sleeves of the T-shirt was the drop that satisfied the glass, and the father of Hammered understands perfectly that to his son have finish him the patience with his detractores, that are many and the big majority of them fans of the Real Madrid, but desconocen that are doing a lean favour to the Spanish selection, leaving it without one of the best head offices of the world.

The newspaper "MD", in any case, has collected the brief message of the progenitor of Gerard Hammered to the journalists, after being insistentemente asked after the goodbye of his son to "The Red". "Already it has said it my son, chapeau by what has said", answered of conclusive form Joan Hammered.

And it is that the father of the player was present in the last act of presentation of the biography of Johan Cruyff, and here the reporters took advantage of to question him on the decision of Gerard Hammered. This yes, no descarta neither that the player of the FC Barcelona can repensarse the fact to leave the Selection, something that already did Leo Messi during the last months with Argentina.