For fichar, before is necessary to sell. The FC Barcelona is forced to carry out a deep limpeza in his changing room if it wants to achieve the incorporation of Ferran Torres and Edinson Cavani. To day of today, as they are the things and conscious of the complicated financial situation of the culés, is impossible that the two players recalen in the Camp Nou if before they do not leave a few footballers of the staff culé. It will not be simple, this is clear, but from the Barça keep the hope to be able to achieve exits in the next month.

The window of wintry transfers opens in 12 days, on 1 January 2022, and from the City Condal have to work immediately to put him the poster of "sells " to the players with which Xavi Hernández does not explain, that are varied. The Barça looks forward to to achieve a destination to Samuel Umtiti, Luuk of Jong, Sergiño Dest, Yusuf Demir, Philippe Coutinho or Net, in addition to Àlex Hill that in brief will begin to form part of the dynamics of the Granada.

The difficulty roots in that in January is very complicated to go out of the 'descartes'; something that tried without success the Barça during the summer with the majority of the above-mentioned. It results difficult that in a month achieve him a new destination, besides that few (or any) has the intention to abandon the City Condal. However, for the Barça is paramount that concretise his sales (or cessions) by two reasons: reduce the mass salarial and free squares in the changing room.

Samuel Umtiti appears like the most urgent subject for resolving. Only it has played a party in this season and is not in the plans of the team. In summer tried an exit, but was impossible. Now, with alone ninety minutes of projection against the Osasuna... Some club goes to fix in him? They have sounded the Benfica or AC Milan, but for the moment keeps in rumours. It is one of the best paid of the staff, but does not play. A load for the culés.

Net Walled has a similar situation. It lives in the shadow of Ter Stegen, the one who even being discussed, keeps on being an indisputable headline. The Barça wants to sell to the Brazilian, but neither there are offers. In his moment, the Villarreal appeared like a possible destination, but the door is closed. Some intermediaries would be looking for him a 'hollow' in the Premier League or the Series To, for the moment without success.

The same case is the one of Philippe Coutinho, the one who follows without fitting in the Barça. It is the better footballer paid of the staff, with differences, and does not justify his income with what contributes in the field. The Barcelona have a hard task to put it in the market, put anybody has interested in him. They look for him some place in all the European Leagues, especially in the Premier League, but because of his high wage will be more than difficult that some team want to receive it.

Exits very necessary

The Barça is working in three exits more in January: Yusuf Demir, Sergiño Dest and Luuk of Jong. In the case of the Austrian, 'SPORT' informed does some days that tobandonará the Barcelona entity during the month of January, although his cession from the Rapid Vienna was to the end of the present season. Like this then , the Barça will not execute the option of purchase of 10 millions and has given freedom to the footballer to find a new team.

With Sergiño Dest, the Barça will give him gone out if it arrives an offer. It is valued in 30 million euros and still remain for amortising 16 'kilos' of his signing from the Ajax (this season correspond 4,6), by what sell it to this price would leave plusvalías. Only it remains to see who interests in him, but is a player with a lot of market.

And, finally, it is a Luuk of Jong that no 'exist' for the culés. It is a player that does not contribute absolutely at all and Xavi already him 'humiliated' in the crash against the Elche. Everything aimed to that went to be headline (because there was not anybody more), but opted for giving him the titularity to Ferran Jutglà that answered to the first called. The Barça, thus, will try to situate it in the PSV.