Dani Rodríguez, player of the Mallorca, sincere in an interview with the exportero Miguel Ángel Moya on the injury that suffered in his debut in the Camp Nou. The veteran footballer explains how suffered a double fracture of testicle in an action with Sergi Roberto. "It was a haphazard action, I go strong to the balloon, try to put the leg by the side to Sergi Roberto, that was of backs, he protects with the hip and me pilla the left testicle: double fracture. In the rest said me that it had to change me. But it was my first time in the Camp Nou and as it cost me so much so much arrive... I said 'can not me remove to me this, of here do not go me'. It was complicated", signalled the player bermellón.

The experienced captain of the Mallorca, that debuted in First Division to the 35 years after several years of his career in different teams of inferior categories, gives details of how produced this injury, little usual in the world of the football. An injury that produced in an involuntary action and in an only stage, the Camp Nou. Dani Rodríguez had the misfortune to suffer an injury the day that debuted in the Camp Nou, a stadium of legend where have played the best players of the history.

It put in risk his health to follow playing in the Camp Nou

The greatness of the Barça finds in these details, in the moment that a player decides to put in risk his health (there was the possibility to lose the testicle) to follow playing in a stadium where breathes football by all sides. The Spanish midfield player is one of these footballers that can say that it has contested a party in the Camp Nou, a field where many dream to play.

Dani Rodríguez, that decided finally not to operate, ensured that it cost him a lot go out of the terrain of game. It was in front of the opportunity of his life, play with the Real Sportive Club Mallorca, a club that had risen again to the maximum category of the Spanish football, in one of the best stadiums of the world. In spite of the pain, took the decision to continue and follow defeniendo the colours of the Mallorca.