They are like boys and happen it to him in big in the trainings. The footballers of the FC Barcelona enjoy of ones train very amenos and loaded of good environment, as it can check each day or as it remains showed with the actions of men like Luis Suárez, Neymar Júnior or Javier Mascherano. Precisely between these three took place the most amused actions of the past Saturday.

And it is that "the jefecito" had pending accounts with the two attackers and was had to earn them what before. Like this it was as it took advantage of a warming with balloon for "inflar" to pelotazos so much to Luis Suárez as to Neymar Júnior, to the cual struck with a spherical by the back, between the laughs of his mates.

Everything comes given after the publication of "Masche" does some days in his profile of Twitter. In east, did echo of a news in this regard on the "played" that they did him the forward charrúa and the Brazilian in one of the entrenos. Both confabularon to "attack" to the defender with "collejas" and keys of karate that gave with the Argentinian in the floor, in front of the laughs of men like Leo Messi.

It is thus that Mascherano swore revenge and fulfilled. It is thus that the two attackers received both "balonazos". In front of what both footballers answered of affectionate and fun form, going to embrace to Mascherano and kidding during the first fifteen minutes of session to which can access of the press.