Except surprise, Ez Abde will abandon the City Condal next Monday 3 January to concentrate , for the first time, with the selection of Morocco and prepare the Glass of Africa, which will contest between 9 January and 6 February. The FC Barcelona is trying to negotiate that the footballer do not assist to the tournament, but for the moment the Moroccan Federation has not changed to seem: they want to have Abde.

The footballer, however, has not showed very to taste. Although it dreams with defending to his natal country, Morocco, does not want to leave to the Barcelona in this moment. It is conscious that the team needs him and that it can be important, especially now that they are not available -for the moment- Ansu Fati, Martin Braithwaite or Memphis Depay, by injury, or Ferran Torres to fault that it confirm his signing and process his registration.

The moment to be important in the Barça is now, because afterwards it will have a lot of competition and does not want to lose this opportunity. It has manifested his wish and his surroundings is working to find a friendly agreement with the selection, but for the moment this has not arrived. Like this then , as they are the things, Abde will play the party against the Mallorca in Sound Moix on 2 January and will split to the concentration of his country.

The seleccionador Moroccan, Vahid Halihodzi, stood out does some days that "is playing and almost is headline. In spite of that only it carries a month or month and half playing, have summoned it because it is playing in a team like the Barcelona. I have spoken twice with him and it is impatient to play with us", desveló. "He is very proud to play in the team of Morocco. We will speak with the managers of his team, the president and the sportive director, because they can not forbid him come because it is selectable. We will try to arrive to a friendly agreement, will explain the things and will find an acceptable solution for all".

Problrmón For Xavi and the Barça

Ez Abde Came being headline in the last parties of the FC Barcelona. His desborde and speed were being important for the Barcelona group in front of all the drops by injury. Now, waiting for the recovery of the forwards and that resuleva the 'case Ferran', Xavi will have to do malabares to configure his line of attack. Only they will be available, as they are the things, Dembélé and Jutglà, those who could play with Gavi like false extreme, where already has played the midfield player.