OGC Nice and FC Barcelona confront this Saturday 2 August in the stadium Allianz Riviera. The party corresponds to the pre-season 2014 and will be offered in direct by TV3, antenna3 and Goal T, from the 20.45 hours (also on-line through Esport3, Atresmedia and Goal Stadium). To continuation review the international guide of schedules and television of the party

(20:45 hours, TV3, Antenna3 and Goal Television). OGC Nice and FC Barcelona confront this Saturday 2 August in the stadium Allianz Riviera. The meeting corresponds to the pre-season 2014/15 of the Barcelona team and will be offered in direct, for Spain, until by three different channels.

In Spain, the party Nice-Barcelona can see live (20.45 hours) through Televisió of Catalonia (TV3), Antenna3 and Goal Television (GolT). Also it can see on-line through Esport3, Atresmedia and Goal Stadium, that will offer the meeting with access from any PC, tablet or smartphone (only for accesses from Spain*). Besides, different portals, like Rojadirecta, Bwin or Justin TV offer to see in streaming the party through platforms P2P (international signal).

See on-line the Nice-Barcelona in Antenna3 (in open through Atresplayer)
See on-line the OGC Nice-FC Barcelona in Esport3 (in Catalan and only for Catalonia)
See on-line the OGC Nice-Barcelona in Goal Stadium (PPV)