The Uruguayan forward of the FC Barcelona, Luis Suárez, erigió against the Fiorentina like "Pichichi" official of the Barcelona group during the pre-season 2015-16. The ariete "charrúa" has annotated 3 goals in four parties, being the most effective attacker for Luis Enrique

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To fault that the two maxima goleadores of the FC Barcelona the past season go back to be in full conditions of enfundarse the Barcelona T-shirt, Neymar and Leo Messi, the one who has taken the reins of the attack culé has been Luis Suárez. Against the Fiorentina, the Uruguayan forward went back to be one of the best for the ones of Luis Enrique annotating a new goal and generating several occasions of danger with his desmarques to the space, game of backs and constant fight.

Luis Suárez has marked already a total of three goals during the pre-season 2015-16, consecrating like "Pichichi" of the team and leaving clear that the Barça has "9" of guarantees for a lot of years. Three goals in four parties, but fits to remember that against the Manchester United the Uruguayan topó until in two occasions with the stick and could have fattened even more his numbers.

The "killer" Barcelona has showed during the last parties, besides, be competitive in all the appointments and keep a big intensity and physical state although it still has not begun the official season. The Barça will need his goals to surpass the first official commitments of the campaign 2015-16, beginning by the Supercopa of Europe against the Seville the next 11 August and the Supercopa of Spain in front of the Athletic of Bilbao the days 14 and 17 of the same month.

Anyway, for the moment Luis Suárez is the maximum goleador of the Barça in pre-season with three targets, gone on down Sergi Roberto, Rafinha Alcántara and Sandro Ramírez, all they with a solo so much in his particular account. The Uruguayan saw door against Los Angeles Galaxy, Chelsea and Fiorentina, remaining without marking in front of the Manchester United in spite of being the best of the party.