The analysis of the Real Madrid in the last seven years, the time that carries Florentino to the control after his turn, well deserves pages and pages of texts. And it is that from the Madrid of Manuel Pellegrini with which began to east of Zinedine Zidane have happened of all type of trainers and forms to play different. Something that, in mouth of somebody that knows of football like Ángel Cappa, can not allow in a so important club like the Real Madrid.

"The Madrid does not play to at all, does not have a style of game, does not answer to a project and no of now but from does long, besides by the constant change of trainers and of line of game. Until this do not consolidate James goes to depend on what can do individually", considered Cappa to the hour to analyse the current situation of the white team and of the international Colombian for "RCN Irradiate" of Colombia.

To the that was assistant of Valdano asked him on what really happens him to the Madrid, to what the Argentinian answered: "they Happen of a technician to another totally distinct in his form to see the football and this notices in the field of game. The Barcelona plays to a style for many years but no only the first team. All his divisions do the same, therefore when they go arriving the Iniesta, Xavi, Busquets and Messi, know the style".

Cappa Also was consulted by "Wave Zero" on his words and was still thinking the same, "atizándole" more to Florentino. "It is necessary to establish to what plays the Real Madrid. We presionamos that's that as voucher. But…the Madrid to what plays? It does not play to at all, it is anything and like this makes a mistake. There is not anybody that say him to Florentino: You do not know of football? I see a lot of films and am not director of cinema, concluded.