It can that it have put in the eye of the hurricane and that have created more problems that if it had happened to answer the question that did him, but the Spanish actress Elena Anaya has showed to be brave and not having any peel in the tongue. Anaya, questioned by what can offer and generate in the society a character like the attacker of the Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo, declared that it is not the best of the examples, precisely.

"It has given the feeling that you can do you rich and famous being in the beach. We live in a moment in which exaltan harmful figures like Cristiano Ronaldo", affirmed the actress in the interview conceded to "Me Dona". Anaya affirms that it preferred that Portugal won the Eurocopa but that did "a spell" so that the one of Madeira did not annotate.

"It wanted to that Portugal won the Eurocopa, but did a spell so that it did not mark Christian and when lesionó almost scared me. It is a false idol because it transmits selfish values", confessed giving in the nail in one of the main critical that do him to the player.

"Which victory is that if you celebrate it only removing you the T-shirt and no embraced to your mates? They are values individualistas and materialist that hurt to the society", concluded the actress reflexionando on the models that transmit the footballers to the rest of the society.