In summer of 2018, Cristiano Ronaldo decided that it was the moment to abandon the Real Madrid and asked to Florentino Pérez that it left him leave. Finally, the maximum white mandator accepted the offer of 100 million euros of the Juventus of Turín that did that the Portuguese forward happened to dress of 'bianconero', facing for the first time a challenge in the Series To Italian.

But, by the moment, any of the parts has seen favoured by this agreement that is near to have two years of antiquity: the Real Madrid lost to a player that marked 50 goals by season, Cristiano Ronaldo went to a league with less competition and in a team of less weight in Europe and the Juventus still has not seen translated this investment in a significant change to level of titles.

In the last days is especulando that the precarious economic situation that it can cause the crisis of the coronavirus in the Juventus could carry to the Vecchia Signora to pose the course of the Portuguese star, since it could not face up to an agreement of dimensions so important like which has at present. As a result of this, even has arrived him to relate with his hypothetical return to the Real Madrid.

José Fonte, current footballer of the Lille French, is mate of Cristiano Ronaldo in the selection of Portugal and, besides, fellow personnel of the forward luso.Maybe thus, his opinion about the future of his compatriot has a value added. In some statements collected by the newspaper Sport, Fonte wanted to leave clear that "Cristiano Ronaldo always has left the door of the Real Madrid open".

The fellow of Cristiano Ronaldo, besides, explained the devotion that the forward 'bianconero' has by his previous team, what does that his return to Santiago Bernabéu was not impossible. "He master to the Madrid. This is true and of the all normal because we are not speaking of one of the best clubs of the world, but of the best. Cristiano never has closed the door to a possible return", detailed.

What the Madrid lost

Cristiano Ronaldo promediaba 50 goals by season, by what seems absurd that somebody thought in some moment that sell him to the Juventus​ was a good idea. Now, it misses to a footballer that covered the tremendas lacks that already had the Real Madrid​ in 2016, when it began his winning cycle. The whites are now a shadow of what went. A shadow with the wet gunpowder that misses the effectiveness of the Portuguese and that it would have to tantear his turn.