The director of communication of the Museum of Wax of Madrid, Gonzalo Prey; it has explained that Cristiano Ronaldo sends to his hairdresser once a month so that it comb to his figure of wax

Gonzalo Prey, director of communication of the Museum of Wax of Madrid has commented in the microphones of the program "What play you?" Of the Chain BE that the Portuguese player of the Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo, "commissions us that his figure of wax was flawless".

Prey added that "it sends to his own hairdresser so that it comb his figure once a month. It sends to his hairdresser like Sara Montiel sent to his makeup artist", said. Finally, it ensured that "the peel of the figure of Cristiano Ronaldo is natural, is not a wig, and comes of the Indian".