Although from the press madridista empeñan in signalling to the FC Barcelona like the best example of club affected by the pandemia, the Real Madrid seems that it does not remain so backwards. The whites, although they are not with the water to the neck, as yes it is it the Barça, also are having economic problems that go to leave to the very touched entity of face to the next market of signings of 2021.

In fact, as they aim in France and confirms a known Spanish journalist, the group merengue would have lined already of his list of aims to the big dream of all the madridismo, Kylian Mbappé. In 'Him Parisien' signal that the Madrid will not have the sufficient money as to face up to a millionaire operation like which would be fichar to the forward of Paris Saint-Germain.

The whites are having a bad time it by the economic crisis that has caused the coronavirus and will not tackle the incorporation of the tip Frenchman. Arancha Rodríguez, journalist of 'Cope' commissioned to cover the actuality of the club of Concha Spine, would confirm this information. The Spaniard would ensure that the French will not land in Santiago Bernabéu in 2021 and that the idea of the madridistas would be to go to by him in 2022.

So that Mbappé can arrive to the capital of Spain in 2022 will do fault that do not renew his agreement with the PSG, that precisely finish this year. From Paris are insisting him a lot of so that it renew and will go on doing it in the year and half that remains him by in front, by what will depend of the player remain in the capital of France or expect to the Real Madrid and finish free in the Bernabéu inside a season and average.

What is evident, at least according to this information, is that it will not arrive any important star to the team merengue next summer. This is an abysmal news for the madridistas, since it gives the feeling that the staff needs several signings of level in distinct places. Without money by the pandemia, the ones of Chamartín will have to reinforce to base of players that arrive to low cost, canteranos and yielded.

Kubo and Brahim could be the only signings of the Madrid

If it confirms this information, the incorporations more 'ilusionantes' that it could do the Madrid could be the returns of Takefusa Kubo and Brahim Díaz, two jewels that this course are yielded in Villarreal and Milan. The Andalusian is shining in the group 'rossonero', whereas the Japanese is playing very little in Castellón and is not being his year. It was as it was, the two are young, have quality and could be the only two more or less interesting reinforcements that can have the whites.