Carlo Ancelotti can breathe relieved knowing that no longer there are more cases of players infected by coronavirus. Besides, the last test made to Luka Modric, fixed piece of the Italian trainer in the centre of the field, has launched negative, by what will be able to have of him for the next party.

Previously, the club had given to know that Asensio, Bleat, Lunin, Rodrygo, to the equal that Davide Ancelotti, gave positive in the proofs to which were subjected. The tests PCR made recently to the rest of components of the team have been negative, although the club keeps the surveillance.

Regarding Modric, the team will be able to have of the Croatian for the two commitments that remain them in the final stretch of 2021. After confirming the negative of the winner of the Balloon of Gold in 2018, will make him a serology of rigour before going back to the trainings with normality.

Modric, waiting for new examinations

It treats of a formality that could be demanded by the Madrilenian Government and the club wants to fulfil with all the formalities.Also it is foreseen an examination cardiológico for descartar possible conditions related with the Covid-19, by instructions of Niko Mihic, boss of the medical services of the club.

Modric Has not seen activity in the recent routines of trainings to charge of Ancelotti, but yes could do it the Saturday in the Sportive City. The Italian could range him for the next crash or can opt for giving him rest thinking in the hard visit to the Athletic of Bilbao.