The Catalan press ensured that the big star of the Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo, continues having serious annoyances in the left knee by the tendinitis rotuliana that would follow present because of the fact that the Portuguese never leaves to make physical activity
As it informed "MD" does some weeks and as it has remembered "Sport" this same Friday, the left knee would continue giving problems to day of today to a Christian Ronaldo that would be desquiciado no only by his physical annoyances, but also by the terrible sportive moment that crosses the Real Madrid and especially he to level no only of performance on the terrains of game, but also of image mediática.

And it is that the Portuguese remained in evidence with the videos that filtered of his private party after the humillante defeat of the Real Madrid in the Calderón, and weeks before blurred his name assaulting until in two occasions to a rival player and doing gestures chulescos to the fans of the Córdoba. 

Now, however, the main problem of the luso would be an injury of which does not finish to recover to his 30 years and that it could transform in chronicle if it does not leave to practise physical activity of high level during some months to leave that cicatrice the tendinitis rotuliana.

The player, however, denies to reposar by his ambition to trap some day to Leo Messi in the career for being the best player of the world, but the true is that his abysmal numbers of 2015 confirm that it needs rest if really it wishes to save his sportive career. This Saturday, against the Athletic of Bilbao, went back to happen entirely unobserved during the ninety minutes.