The French forward of the Real Madrid, Karim Benzema, has been detained in Versalles (France) to declare with reason of a presumptive sexual blackmail to Mathieu Valbuena, his mate in the selection "bleu". The Real Madrid still has not pronounced on the subject

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The ariete Frenchman of the Real Madrid that did not play this past Wednesday against the PSG by injury in Santiago Bernabéu, Karim Benzema, finds at present under police custody in Versalles (France) when being involved in a supposed telephone blackmail to one of his mates of selection, Mathieu Valbuena, to the one who could have asked 150.000 euros in return of not spreading a presumptive sexual video of the player of the Olympique of Marseilles.

Karim Benzema would find at present involved in this case of extortion by a video erótico, as they have informed in the last hours French media like the television "BFM TV" and the emisora "Europe 1".

It fits to remember that it does few days the ex international French Djibril Cissé was detained by the same subject, although finally the police decided to put him in freedom without charges. Mathieu Valbuena reported in the month of June have been object of sexual blackmail after having received an anonymous call during a concentration with France, in which they would have demanded him 150.000 euros by not spreading a video of content erótico in which he purportedly appears. Benzema Is for the moment arrested person, but the Real Madrid still has not pronounced in this regard.

Benzema Went back to "wrap it" the past Thursday

Karim Benzema, that has the carnet withdrawn from does some time by his reckless driving to the steering wheel, was hunted the past Thursday at night, as it informed "The Crossbar" of the Chain BE, by the Municipal Police in the vicinities of the Station of Atocha. The player was the one who drove the car and taught to the agents of security a paper that pretended colar like carnet provisional, and that according to him had given him his lawyer while it was transacting his carnet in France.

The case is that the document was not accepted by the Police, and this decided inmovilizar the vehicle. Benzema Was not detained, but only reported by the Police for driving by enésima time without carnet to drive, so the agents of security of the white club were those who collected him in car, as it informed the quoted half.