The French newspaper "Le Monde", finally, will have to indemnify by violation of the right to the good image to the Real Madrid and to the FC Barcelona. The High court has condemned to the newspaper for linking to the two clubs, in an article of 2006, with the sportive doctor Eufemiano Sources condemned by illegal sportive medicine in the Operation Port

The French newspaper "Le Monde" will indemnify finally with 15.000 euros to the Barça for linking it to the doctor Eufemiano Sources, imputed by practices of doping in a penal procedure initiated as a result of the called Operation Port. The sentence of the High court ratifies the dictated in October of 2009 by the Audience of Barcelona, that condemned to "Le Monde" to indemnify to the Catalan club with the same quantity, by what considered an intromisión illegitimate in the right to the honour. The Barça querelló against "Le Monde" by the informations published the days 7 and 8 December 2006 and in which it quoted like source "confidential documents" of the own Eufemiano Sources to relate both clubs with supposed practices of doping of his footballers.

However, the corresponding compensations to each one of the teams differ, while to the Madrid correspond him 300.000 euros, to the Barça will pay him only 15.000 due to the fact that in his resource did not resort the quantity fixed initially.