Paulo Iago to his 16 years is surely the elder 'perla' of the quarry of the Real Madrid, in which it has gone surpassing stages like the most stood out footballer of his generation, one that besides shares with a Lamine Yamal already consolidated in the first team of the FC Barcelona. Of the another side, the madridista has arrived up to now to the Juvenile To after deciding renew only until 2025, a point that right now has his future in the air.

And it is that approximating to his last season of agreement, his status inside the white club has given a new twist in the last months, and as it already has happened in other opportunities could finish abandoning The Factory without penalty neither glory. Iago basically no longer is neither title in the Juvenile and besides with the filial all would seem to indicate neither goes neither expects him , by what those big hopes in his left-handed, his technician or his dribbling could remain in the at all same, as it already has sucedido with other canteranos merengues.

The Madrid does not seem had to back to his big talent

In fact, 'Relief' signals that in front of the every time lower time of game for the youngster, follows increasing the interest of the foreign teams in completing his signing this next summer. The Madrid has tried to leave him clear these last months that keeps on being a bet for the future, but the surroundings and the own footballer see that the situation is not so seemed like these comments that arrive from the club.

The information equally signals that varied of the 'big' of Europe that already had asked after his situation recently less than a year now go back to be interested in 'steal' to the promising player madridista, that in theory would have to be with the Castilla in the following season. After alone be headline in two of the last six parties, his surroundings and his agent, Jorge Mendes, could begin to see the situation like insalvable and directly think in a new destination to keep growing in his way to the elite.